Welcome to the Soulard Community Improvement District

The mission for the Soulard Community Improvement District (CID) is to elevate Soulard as the thriving community it has long been for people to live, work, and play. Established in 2019, the CID funds projects to improve quality of life and foster a friendly business environment and visitor experience. The CID coordinates a wide range of proactive short-term and long-term projects including street lighting, infrastructure improvement, trash clean-up, traffic management, strategic planning and marketing.

Soulard already has a rich history as a popular, diverse and welcoming neighborhood. The CID is in place to improve upon that status and support its vibrancy looking ahead into the future. The CID is a political subdivision, established by the St. Louis Board of Alderman following a petition from property owners and mail-in election. It’s funded by a 1% sales tax at retailers within the district.

Soulard CID is a Reality!

Remember all those notes and conversations about the effort to launch a Community Improvement District in Soulard? Well, it’s happened! You can expect to see cleaner streets and streetscape enhancements in the coming year, among other neighborhood improvements. They are just a few of the immediate initiatives for the recently launched Soulard Community Improvement District (CID). The goal for the CID is to maintain Soulard as an attractive and vibrant neighborhood for residents and visitors. And, it aims to do so by raising the bar even higher – on livability and patronage in Soulard. Click here to read more …

Public Meeting on February 10

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 5:00 PM, the Soulard Community Improvement District (the “District”) will hold a public meeting to consider and act upon the matters on the following tentative

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The Soulard Community Improvement District will work to continually improve Soulard and help maintain its status as the destination and go-to neighborhood in St. Louis.
Projects being considered will improve quality of life and the overall experience of being in Soulard, helping to attract new homeowners, residents, businesses, and investment.
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