About Soulard CID

In the summer of 2019, the St. Louis Board of Alderman passed Board Bill 83 to establish the CID. That bill was a direct result of a petition signed by the majority of property owners in the district, followed by a mail-in election in which 78% of people who voted approved the CID. The CID is a political subdivision of the state of Missouri with a maximum duration of 25 years. A 1% sales and use tax on retail sales within the district boundaries funds the improvement and maintenance projects overseen by the CID.

View the FY2024 – FY2025 budget here (pdf).
View the FY2024 annual report here (pdf).

The CID is managed by a 7-person board, which was appointed by the Mayor, and is comprised of: (3) residential owner/occupants living within the CID, (2) commercial property or business owners within the CID, (1) Soulard Restoration Group (SRG) designee living within the CID and (1) Soulard Business Association designee within the CID.

Current Board Members:

Soulard CID Boundary Map
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