CID Expansion

Soulard Community Improvement District Expansion

Why expand the Soulard CID?
  • It has been 5 years since the Soulard CID was initially established.
  • Existing CID revenue amounts to approximately $650,000 annually.
  • It’s time to move forward to include as much of the remaining areas of Soulard as possible, allowing CID programs – beautification, lighting improvements, neighborhood signage, street and alley clean-up, traffic calming initiatives and more – to reach even further.
  • Expansion ensures a cleaner, more welcoming and safer Soulard overall.
If you have questions or need additional information, contact
Soulard CID Expansion Timeline

PHASE 1 – complete (10/2/24)
Expansion Committee Collects Petition Signatures
CID Board Passes Resolution for CID Expansion
CID Attorneys Conduct Internal Validation of Signed Petitions
CID Attorneys Deliver CID Resolution and Signed Petitions to City Register

PHASE 2 – complete
City Register Validates Signed Petitions (Has 90 Days to Complete)

PHASE 3 – complete
CID Expansion Bill is Written (Ald. Spencer, CID Attorneys)

CID Expansion Bill – Board of Aldermen Mtg #1 (First Reading) – complete
CID Expansion Bill – Board of Aldermen HUDZ Committee Meeting Reading – passed on January 21st
CID Expansion Bill – Board of Aldermen Mtg #2 (Second Reading)
CID Expansion Bill – Board of Aldermen Mtg #3 (Perfection)
CID Expansion Bill – Board of Aldermen Mtg #4 (Third Reading & Approval)

Approved Bill Sent to Mayor’s Office
Mayor Has To Wait 10 Days Before Signing
Mayor Signs Bill
Bill Goes Into Effect 30 Days After Mayor Signature
Bill Is In Effect

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