Traffic Calming
The CID, Soulard Special Business District (SSBD) and Alderman Jack Coatar are continuing efforts to make Soulard safer. In 2021, the group took initial steps to commission a neighborhood traffic study. The goal of the study is to improve pedestrian safety by identifying problem streets and implementing traffic slowing solutions.
A public meeting / forum was held in June 2022 with a presentation by CBB Transportation Engineers + Planners. Attendees were given the opportunity to review draft plans and how traffic calming measures – such as bump outs and speed humps – could be implemented across Soulard. Public feedback was collected via email through the end of July.
Phase 1 of the project will focus on 12th Street and Russell Blvd and may include entryway calming (and neighborhood identification) markers, crosswalk design and improvements, and intersection bump outs. The goal is for targeted streets / intersections to be worked on comprehensively as safety improvements are made, to also include beautification elements, signage improvement, speed limit postings and the removal (visual decluttering) of irrelevant signage. In addition to a focus on 12th and Russell, phase 1 will also include the strategic placements speed humps throughout the neighborhood.
In December 2022, an ordinance was passed by the city, approving the below speed hump map.